To Whom It May Concern:
I have been selling for over twenty years. After my two year initiation into sales I have always been the top performer or one of the top performers wherever I have worked. In 2005 I started Carter Forest Products.
I quickly learned that selling and being a good salesman is not the same as hiring, training and leading salespeople. I had heard about James through friends and salespeople in our industry and decided to give him a call.
Reality Sales Training has been a fantastic investment for us. James helps us, interview – he has helped me dodge at least one bad hire – hire, train, and manage our sales team. James’ thorough, no-nonsense and in depth knowledge of sales, the sales process and most importantly, his ability to communicate the information to adults and get them to act on it has made all the difference. A sales manager of his caliber would not make sense nor would it be financially feasible for my company. I get world class sales training and management support that grows sales, for a fraction of the cost or hassle of having a sales manager.
I hear from my peers that the market is tough. (James does not allow us to talk about down markets.) That has not been our experience. We have +133% year-over-year growth with our experienced group. Our new sales person hit the ground running; generating 90K in profit in the last ninety days of his first year. Our new man continues to grow under James’ tutelage and is on pace for a very profitable first year!
If you are looking for a way to grow your sales quickly Reality Sales Training is a great choice.
Martin Carter
Carter Forest Products
To whom it may concern,
I offer this as a formal recommendation of James Olsen and Reality Sales Training. As a Sales Director of over 100 people I can truly attest to the benefits and results within our management team and our Sales Managers.
James was pivotal in taking my group to the next level. Through intense and unconventional training, he was able to bring out the best in our folks and help them realize what they are truly capable of achieving. After two solid years of training, our results were 30% year-over-year growth, two years in a row. We were 60% higher after two years with Reality Sales training.
In addition to training of our Sales Managers, he worked with our Leadership team and was effective in changing our culture from a somewhat bureaucratic process to a well-oiled sales organization thereby transforming our middle managers to true Leaders. Most importantly, in his absence, the culture remains as do the results.
James has the ability to pull greatness from those around him, helping them see their potential and helping them get out of their own way. He not only changes a culture but he changes adult human behavior in the most positive way. While with us, he functioned as a teacher, coach, mentor, mediator and motivator. The effects of Reality Sales Training and rapid and very real; the true testament is that they last.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Bryan Carnithan
Director of Membership Sales
Air Evac Lifeteam EMS, Inc.
Wholesale lumber sales is not an easy business. We’re quite particular about the proper sales training and approach needed for success in this industry. Historically we’ve trained all of our people “in-house” and have had great results.
Over the years we’ve used supplemental approaches to this training and have tried the Dale Carnegie-type courses, the Tony Roberts tapes, local sales guru training sessions, etc. Those of us in the trade are well aware that selling lumber is different than selling cars and copiers and there was never enough of a direct connection with these generic sales courses to have any true measurable benefit.
After 15 years of searching for a sales training supplement that had a direct tie in to our industry I came across James Olsen’s book Selling Lumber: Sales Secrets of a Lumber Broker. The combination of personal wholesale lumber experience, direct sales approach, and individual accountability was exactly what I thought could help my floor.
I followed up the read with a phone call to James. Soon after, I attended one of his seminars to evaluate first hand whether this guy had what I was looking for or whether he was just another sales trainer. My initial skepticism was quickly erased. James is anything but another sales trainer.
Shortly after the seminar I hired James to work with a dozen of my traders over a one-year period. Their experience ranged from 2 months to 10 years and James made a positive impact on every single one of them. He returned real ROI in the most difficult of markets. The sales volume for this group actually increased year over year! James’ straight forward approach allows for no excuses and a few of my traders may not be in the business today if it were not for their involvement with Reality Sales Training over the last twelve months.
We are now in the midst of the second year of partnership with James Olsen and Reality Sales Training. More veterans, some with 20+ years experience, have made the decision to take advantage of his expert training in an effort to increase their sales. Imagine your sales force actually seeking out ways to improve rather than just hiding in their bunkers waiting for the storm to pass! That’s a monumental shift I wouldn’t have envisioned a few years ago.
In addition to his personalized training with each trader, James has been a tremendous value to me as a manager. He’ll open your eyes as to what steps you can take to get the most out of your traders. We’re in uncertain economic times, you’re trying to survive, and you can’t afford outside sales training? What you need to realize is that you can’t afford NOT to use every tool and take every step to increase sales. Reality Sales Training can help you get there while producing real, measurable results.
-Jim Dermody
Sellers Say:
Seriously, it was a good experience. You demonstrated at least two things to me:
- Work outside my comfort zone and be DIRECT sometimes… I was surprised at the positive result. (When you pointed out the “lying” I first wanted to dive under my chair but it worked)
- The power of PROMOTING and taking the lead. Be ahead of the game…don’t wait for their menu. Even if they don’t use my idea, I can make myself part of the process.
It is unnerving to work outside of the classroom with someone but it really was helpful to see the real deal in action. This program reminds me of that cable show Overhaulin’ where they totally remake classic cars with high performance parts.”
Patricia Galan
Field Sales Rep
Pacific Seafood
“Thanks for the direction in selling especially in prospecting (the concept of it), listening to customers, and understanding that customers, no mater who they think they are, have to buy from somebody. …all of the selling instruction really helps for me in increasing sales volume and trying to make my job as easy as possible while doing it.”
Bob Crow
Pipe Inc.
Managers Say:
“James is an outstanding sales coach. His personal experience trading lumber gives him the credibility to command attention from both new and experienced traders. His advice is practical and to the point. James has helped several of my traders to improve their performance significantly and I can recommend him highly”
Sven Melbo
Vice President, Hardwood Export Division, North Pacific Group
North Pacific International Inc.
Hardwood Export
“Over the years, I have attended many sales seminars. Most of these had instructors that could teach sales theory, but most did not have any successful practical experience to accompany it. James Olsen is that rare individual that was not only successful in sales but also possesses the ability to teach it from a hands on approach”
Michael F. Mordell
Executive Vice President, Purchasing
Universal Forest Products, Western Division
Owners Say:
When I interviewed James to decide if we would engage him, I told him that we would measure his success by measuring our sales numbers. The only way to justify spending the money on training is to see improved sales. James was certainly successful in that regard. Without any reservation I can recommend James Olsen to you for improving your sales volume.”
Thomas R. Rice
Conner Industries, Inc.
“”I trust James with my business. He has established himself as one of those elite salesmen that you feel is working for you while on someone else’s payroll. He is analytical and objective. Creative and thorough. Optimistic and realistic. He is urgent. While these combined qualities are rare, rarer still are conviction and integrity. James Olsen says what he means and means what he says.
On several occasions, James has addressed our sales force, and recently served as the key note speaker at our company annual meeting. We have always come away motivated, enlightened and inspired. Value was created.”
C. Lawrence Newton III
US Lumber
“Working with James has not only invigorated our sales force, but it has taught us what it means and takes to be a successful salesperson, regardless of what field you are in. James quickly amazed us with his ability to not only understand our situation, but to adapt his teachings to our industry. The approach and methodology James outlined directly resulted in numerous closing at the prices we sought.”
David Steinberg
(Web solutions)
To Whom It May Concern: June 5, 2006
Reality Sales Training just completed a yearlong sales training program with our inside and outside salespeople. We found James’ approach to be fresh, unique, and challenging. Reality Sales Training brought a dose of reality to our sales team.
Reality Sales Training helped us sell more and it transformed our sales culture. Our sales people were good, but after a year of training with James, they have a much better understanding of the sales process, their position in that process, and how to get more business.
I initially had concerns about the training because James came from outside our industry. This was not an issue. James teaches salespeople how to sell. The industry does not matter.
I would highly recommend James’ training. It will bring value to you, your sales team and your company’s bottom line!
Cathy Filgas
To Whom It May Concern:
Sales training that brings value is hard to find. We bring James Olsen back on an ongoing basis because we get value from his training. James is excellent with our new salespeople. He gives them the fundamentals they need to succeed in sales, and to succeed right away. He shows them how the sales process works. Step by step he leads them through each part of the sales process. He shows them what situations happen in sales calls and how to handle them when they do. Our new guys get up to speed very quickly. This is great for their confidence and our bottom line.
James also works with our experienced sales people. He fires them up, makes them laugh, and gives them the refresher they need from time to time.
If you are looking for sales training that really works, I highly recommend James Olsen.
Tim Gaffney
Sales Manager
UFPI Riverside
To whom it may concern,
The past eight months I’ve had the pleasure of working directly with James Olsen, Reality Sales Training.
James has been instrumental in changing our culture from service oriented to having a stronger emphasis on sales. In eight short months we’ve seen the dividends from his training program. It is working with seasoned employees who didn’t initially embrace the culture change, as well as with new hires, with little to no sales experience. Mr. Olsen has brought our call center to a new level, while still helping us maintain the basis of customer service that makes our company unique.
We’ve seen a 27% increase in sales over the phone and a significant increase in our upselling of higher priced items. Our individual sales reps daily sales have gone from 4.5 sales per day to 9.5 sales per day.
He’s given our sales force the confidence and wherewithal to ‘ask for the order’ and instilled a mindset into our sales force that closing the sale is a great thing for our customers.
James has also been a mentor to me, both professionally and personally. James’ leadership style has resonated with me. He is always available to lend me an ear, provide me guidance, and empower me to make the right decisions that have ultimately been the catalyst of this rapid growth.
I highly recommend James Olsen to anyone looking to grow sales rapidly or change their culture to more sales emphasis.
Michael Parrish
Membership and Retention Specialist Supervisor Membership
AirMedCare Network – AirMedical Group Holdings Inc.
I wanted to take the time to thank you for your instrumental role in helping me reach towards my professional and personal goals.
James, before I started your class I thought I knew everything there was to know about relationship sales. Boy was I wrong. The blueprint provided by Reality Sales Training is the conduit to success.
Lessons covering organizational skills, goal setting, prospecting, closing, and relationship building are a “can’t miss” approach to successful sales.
Challenging, thought provoking, and fun, your classes had me leave my excuses at the door and brought out my very best. I learned that professional sales is an art that incorporates nuance and finesse. And equally important is to view ourselves as the respected, valuable assets we truly are.
Sometimes hard work is not enough. But when you incorporate a comprehensive sales strategy like your Reality Sales Training with a solid work ethic and open mind, success WILL follow.
I know this reads like a pie in the sky endorsement but I literally doubled my numbers in one year. DOUBLED. And I have been a professional salesman for 18 years! I wish I would have met you back then.
Greg Mitchell
Neiman Reed Lumber Company
To whom it may concern:
The day I read James’ article, “Epiphanies of a Salesperson” I realized I had found what I had been looking for. We needed help on the sales part of our business. We have an excellent product and reputation. We have a hard working and responsible crew. We excel in certain market segments. Our quality of manufacture is world class. But our sales were down and needed badly to increase. With Reality Sales Training they did. We added 155 new accounts in less than one year! Our year over year shipments are up 17% and our revenue increased by 30% .
As a leader of our team James challenged and confirmed my thinking. James helped me take action on changes that are crucial to our future growth. These actions have yielded positive results. James has an in-depth knowledge of sales and the sales process. He also is a good teacher. He will challenge you and your group to become better salespeople. You will get better.
Finally, James respected our culture. Changing adults and getting them to try new things, while being respectful is delicate. James pulled it off. I would highly recommend James Olsen and Reality Sales Training. You will grow your sales rapidly and strengthen your sales team in the long term.
Best regards,
Steve Lillard