The Hard Way Is the Easy Way… And the Easy Way Is the Hard Way is a compilation of fifty-five articles written over four and a half years for The Merchant Magazine and The Building Products Digest.
I strive to bring value to my readers. My goal is to give you something you can use today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your career to help you grow your business. I want to respect your time, to be to the point and realistic. Each article is seven hundred and twenty words long.
When I first started writing the articles my editor, David Koenig, said, “Make each article about seven hundred and twenty words long.” About five years in, he asked me, “How do you write ever article to exactly seven hundred and twenty words?” I said, “I write about nine hundred, then cut until I get to seven hundred and twenty.”
He also asked me, “How do you come up with something different month after month? Most guys run out of things to talk about after about twelve articles.” I told him, “I live this stuff. I teach hundreds of students every year and when we run into a challenge, I write about it.”
In closing, this book is written with specific lumber industry examples but will be useful for anyone selling in any industry. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I also hope it helps you in your career.